Java v/s C++ ---> Programming Language Comparison

Both Java and C++ are most popular object-oriented programming languages,
    C++ was introduced by AT & T Bell Labs in 1979 and Java by Sun Microsystems in 1990. It is an interested fact that most of the industry software, games are written in C/C++ that is an prove that C++ is a high performance and powerful language, Whereas the Java is cross-platform compatibility and convenient APIs for networking and multi-threading have won it a place in the business world.
    "Java is the logically next step in the evolution of C++"

Comparison Basis:

      It is very difficult to compare the languages, but i am trying to cover every basic factor... that includes
  1. Simple and Easy
  2. Portable and Architecture Neutral
  3. Distributed
  4. High Performance
  5. Secure
  6. Dynamic
  7. Multi-threaded Nature
  8. Object-oriented (Pure v.s Hybrid)
 1. Simple:
            Java--***                                                                             C++
           No pointers                                                                           Pointers
           No operator overloading                                                       Operator overloading
           No multiple inheritance                                                          Multiple Inheritance
           Automatic garbage collection                                                 Manual Garbage

 2. Secure:

            Java--***                                                                             C++

           Byte-code is verified at run-time for security                          Memory is handled at compile-time

           Memory layout is handled at run-time by JVM     

 3. Robust:

            Java--***                                                                     C++

           Designed for writing highly reliable or robust software      Allows implicit type

           Explicit method declaration                                              Operator overloading

           Array bounds-checking                                                   No array bounds-checking
           Automatic garbage collection                                           Pointers are responsible for memory corruption

 4. High Performance:

            Java                                                                                  C++--***
           Much slower than C++ but interactive                                 About 10-20 times faster then Java

                                                                                                     Most operating systems are written 
 5. Distributed:

            Java--***                                                                         C++

           Handle TCP/IP networking easily                                       External library supports TCP/IP
  6. Architecture neutral and Portable:

            Java--***                                                                         C++

           Same bytecode can run on all system                                   Platform-dependent binary code can't                                                                                                          be executed on a different machine.

           Well defined and fixed-size data types, file format, GUI        Implement specific and varied-size                                                                                                                 data types by platforms

 7. Multi-thread Support:

            Java--***                                                                         C++

           Native support of multi-threading support                            Relay on external libraries

           Concurrent applications are quite easy                                 Harder to do multi-threader
 8. Dynamic Nature:

            Java--***                                                                         C++

           Run-time representation for classes                                      Relay on external libraries

           Load classes as needed, even from across network              Classes are loaded at compile time

Java v/s C++ ---> Programming Language Comparison Java v/s C++    ---> Programming Language Comparison Reviewed by Unknown on Saturday, August 04, 2012 Rating: 5


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