Want to be a Super Game Programmer

    This post is about the Attitude of the Game Programmers

   Seriously speaking that Today i was very bored. After wasting 6 hours internet surfing, i said myself  "are you a game programer nooo you can't because you had wasted your 6 precious hours".
     So, I standup and open my notepad++ and started to point out a number of my own attributes. And i grasped these points about the a good and super duper programmer.
  1. Enthusiasm: 
  2. Always in Learning Phase:
  3. To be Skill Full programmer:
  4. Playing Games:
  5. Ability to Get things Done:
  6. To be Well Educated:
1. Enthusiasm:
       The highest priority factor for the mixture of game developer.. If you are not extremely enthusiastic about developing games then please go and look for another job because after 2 years you will be looking for job in some other computer science field.
Solution:      to achieve this standard
  1. Working on a project more and more of your own is an excellent way at job hours
  2. Participating in open-source projects by writing small games
  3. Make some mod for existing games or on some game-related projects.
  4. Try to work in small projects but in different fields
  5. Always participate in the forums to discuss things related to the game programming
      Mention these projects in your resume and your linkedIn account
      Make you web page

2.  To be Skill Full programmer:
        Main, central and essential ingredient of Programming World. In my point of view, In compute sciences, "You should be bachelors in all trade with master in One". You should be Fluent in C++/C, Basic 3D Linear Algebra, Software Engineering and the Programming Tool-kits. Along with these, OpenGL, DirectX, studying other game engines like marmalade, Unity3D, Torque, Shiva3D and others are always the plus point for the game programmer.

3.  Always in Learning Phase:
        Never says "I have learn every things", there is a famous proverb in Urdu "A full task appears in your life if you said you know that".  if you think that you are done learning that "Think again". In the world of computer industry, you have to learn new things, platforms, APIs,  languages, approaches, styles, algorithms, as well as the industry trends.
    There are number of platforms to learn like reading magazines Game Developer Magazine, Dr. Dobbs's Software Development world, conference journals Like Game Developer Conference with a numbers of other websites, mailing lists as well as open source projects.

4.  Playing Games:
         I was the President of my University Gaming Society, if you want to be the best developer then you have to play games on regular basis with good scores. As well as more and more participate in the game playing forums to learn the gaming tastes, bugs, enjoying points in game and others. These things will help to aim at the best market-killer game. They thing is that more you like to play games you are going to produce good and excellent games.

5.  Ability to Get things Done:
        The game programmer should always be ready for some difficult task but giving answer "Yes i can do it. Actually, i don't want to write on this topic because every programmer knows its importance. Like Bill Gates for producing MS DOS, Linus Torvalds for Linux OS.

6.  To be Well Educated:
         Sorry programmers, i am just 35% agree with it, because the enthusiasm and the motivation are always their for creating a best, super, doper programmers.

     I am looking for your valuable comments ....


Want to be a Super Game Programmer Want to be a Super Game Programmer Reviewed by Unknown on Saturday, July 28, 2012 Rating: 5


  1. Great Post RaoGame..... Liked it dude... :)

    GamyGuru (http://gamyguru.wordpress.com)

  2. Thanks Mr.GamyGuru, Thank you very much ...

  3. The Sooper Doooper DLD (Digital Logic Design) Game Developer :P Hope you understand ! :)


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